The collections are the living heart of the museum, and bringing our artefacts to as wide an audience as possible is the cornerstone of our mission as an organisation.
Click on one of the links below to take a virtual tour of our collections!
the James Soame collection of badboy kickdrums A unique collection of hard-as-nails, banging kickdrums spanning the history and geography of techno. We've digitised the sound of some of the best, and most curious exhibits, and uploaded them here for you to enjoy. |
the Franklin journals Some of Charles Franklin's 19th century journals were kindly donated to the Museum last year. While we work on a Museum exhibition based on our analysis of this priceless historical resource, we will be publishing extracts from the Journal on the website. |
the Bokoumbe breakbeats Online highlights from Soame's collection of West African breakbeats, acquired by Gen William Hardacre. |
bass in battle A minor exhibition describing pictures and recordings from the Museum's permanent collection which relate to the use of infrasound as a weapon. |
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