25 Feb 2004 |
Museum website security upgraded In response to a number of recent hacking attempts, the Museum's website has undergone a security review. The Museum would like to apologise for any inconvenience or discontinuity of website service which may have resulted from the hackers' efforts, or the subsequent work on the website. However, we believe that the issue has now been resolved, and that the Museum website is now back in full service. |
18 Jul 2003 |
Museum shop opens for business The Museum's half-arsed Amazon Associate shop is now open - offering for sale selected techno recordings, books and research papers of academic interest, and soon, Museum fashion items! visit the shop... |
16 Jul 2003 |
Luoyang, China: Jin dynasty 303 found A team from Nanjing University is claiming to have discovered an acid box constructed in Asia as early as the 4th century. more... |
5 Jul 2003 |
Museum plans online shop The Museum is developing a range of products which it intends to sell from an online shop integrated into its website.
The shop will feature a selected range of books and research articles, music, and soon a range of mementos of your Museum visit. All products are hand-picked and authorised by the Museum, and proceeds will help the Museum in its work. |
2 Jul 2003 |
Franklin Journal extracts update Work continues analysing and presenting extracts from Charles Franklin's journal. We have now added to our website two essays concerning the social impact of steam techno in Victorian Britain, and Franklin's involvement with the underground techno culture of that period. view extracts... |
15 May 2003 |
Franklin Journal extracts online Charles Franklin was a man of Science and letters - a contemporary of Sir James Soame, the Museum's founder. He lived in the North of England during the latter part of the 19th century.
In 2002, some of Franklin's missing original journals were found in an attic by his family, and were kindly donated to the Museum. We are honoured and excited by this donation, and will publish extracts from the Journals on our Website during the build-up to a special exhibition, Franklin - Science and Music in 19th century Liverpool at the Museum itself. The exhibition is scheduled for summer 2004. view extracts... |
5 Jan 2003 |
Detroit Historical Museum techno exhibition The Detroit Historical Museum has opened an exhibition, to run until June 2004, of artefacts donated by techno researchers and collectors from that area of the United States. While limited in scope (focused very narrowly on Detroit, with exhibits dating back only as far as the late 20th century), the exhibition promises some interesting pieces. detroit historical museum website... Please note: the Detroit Historical Museum website is not associated with the Museum of Techno and therefore we cannot guarantee that its content is accurate or genuine. |
7 Oct 2002 |
Museum Mailing List To communicate better with the growing proportion of our friends and visitors who use email, the Museum has decided to issue an occasional sponsors | mailing list which will keep its readers up-to-date with information about Museum exhibits and events, and updates to the Museum website. sponsors | Click here to subscribe... |
20 May 2002 |
sponsors sought for new wing The museum's collection is fast outgrowing our capacity to store and display the artefacts. In order to make available a significant proportion of the collection, we plan to extend the museum by building a new wing, to the south of the main building. We are actively seeking sponsors to join with us in making these exciting plans a reality. |
15 August 2001 |
research partnership forged The museum's curator, , this week signed a research partnership agreement with M. Jean-Pierre Goudaillier of the Université René-Descartes in Paris. The first fruits of the partnership will be a one-year collaboration with URD's Groupe Récherches Techno, looking into the early development of those mad fucking reversed rush-up noises you get a couple of seconds before a huge wedge of percussion boots off - extending the group's recent work on the theory that if the crowd's on pills it makes them go, like, fucking COME ON!. |
July 2001 |
summer soirees 2001 Enjoy a summer's evening of fine food, stimulating conversation and, of course, arse-caning nose-bleed techno. We have organised a short series of dinner talks to be held in the Museum's central courtyard. Led by the curator and experts from the museum, the talks will cover an eclectic range of topics and offer a chance for visitors to meet the staff in an informal setting. Last year's soirees were highly successful - and very enjoyable - and we look forward to dining and talking with you again this year. |
1 June 2001 |
kidzone opens for summer holiday fun The museum's children's gallery, kidzone, was opened today by Baroness Greenstone, Minister for the Arts. The gallery aims to entertain as well as educate, and boasts a wide range of interactive exhibits which will appeal to the young, and the young-at-heart. |
12 May 2000 |
museum website launched museum of techno is now online! The new website makes selected artefacts from the James Soame collection of badboy kickdrums available on the Net. Our archivists are working with web designers to bring more of the museum online as soon as possible. |